Switching again!

I am going to switch back to my old blog……getting on your nerves yet??? I know how to do a lot more with blogspot and just can’t seem to figure somethings out on wordpress. Also, this morning I figured out how to put videos on my blogspot……..do you know how excited this makes me?????!!! Go on over and look at Radlee singing! More videos to come later…….


Tuesday’s trials

Ever have one of those days when everything is just absolutely out of control? That is absolutely the kind of day I have had. Oh, how I wish I could always be like the lady in the picture. When I was getting ready for bed last night, I had great intentions for our day today. Nothing went as planned! It all comes down to one word in our house all of the time CONSISTENCY!! This word haunts me and is probably my number one struggle! My children have all been out of control today all because of my lack of consistency.

Pay it forward

Today while waiting in line at the gas station to purchase a bottled water, I began having a brief conversation with a woman in front of me. When it was her turn to pay for her items, she told the clerk she would like to pay for my bottle of water. I told her that was not necessary, but she insisted. After telling her how appreciative I was, I left with my water.

What was the inspiration behind her spontaneous, random act of kindness? It was a small amount of money, yet it absolutely made my day! It was an inspiration for me to “pay it forward” and seek out ways I can possibly bless others this week. Anyone willing to join me in my quest to “pay it forward” to three other people this week?

The only criteria I am giving myself is……1. It can be big or small, but needs to be someone either by random encounter or someone I don’t know very well! 2. Nothing can be expected in return!



Can anyone tell me how to get this picture on my blog?  I don’t want to put it in a post.  I just want it somehow in the sidebar!  I knew how to do all of this on blogspot, but I am not sure how to do this on wordpress.

Sonny and Cher update

For the animal lovers out there, the puppies are doing much better.  They have started eating again, and I haven’t seen any blood since Sunday!  They go back to the doctor next week to get their final set of shots and rechecked for Giardia.  I am hoping they are all clear, so they can go back to the groomer and get their poodle cuts.  They will look so different once their puppy fur is cut off.  They really don’t look like poodles yet, but their fur is so curly under all of the fluff!  I am excited to see what they are going to look like.  Oh my goodness…….have I turned into one of those people I use to make fun of?????…….you know the type that dresses their dogs and treats them like family…..I believe I have!!!!

Normal family???

Jeff + a straightener on Sunday morning = one embarrassed mommy!!!

Why I like not having money……………..

Yep, you read that right….your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. I am attempting to look at the glass as half full rather than half empty, and there are actually a few reasons why I like the weeks when our money is scarce. This past week we put some money towards a car we are buying for Britt, and then there was the unexpected visit to the vet, so this week money is a little tight. So, here are the reasons why I like it when we have to be more thrifty!!

1. I like that it forces us to plan our meals. I find that we really use the stuff we have in our cabinet and get pretty creative with our choices. We also tend to eat a little healthier because we don’t have the money to stop at fast food places. Additionally, we don’t snack as much on junk food……well because there is not any junk food!

2. I think having less money forces us to hang out at home and spend more quality time together. We can’t just go all over the place and waste our gas. We usually just hang out at home and watch movies, play games, and get on the computer.

3. I find that we see more blessings! I think when life is “peachy”, we don’t always see the little blessings given to us every day. For instance, the other day Jeff’s mom brought some tomatoes and corn out of his grandpa’s garden. It went excellent with our grilled salmon and salad on Friday night. It was a very tasty and healthy meal. Perhaps, I may have even just let the tomatoes go to waste if we hadn’t really needed them.

Don’t worry………….we are not in a dire situation or anything like that…….just having to be a little frugal until payday!!!

Well, I think that is about all of the reasons that I can think of why I don’t like having money!!! By the way, don’t get me wrong, I am always very thankful when payday comes around!!!!

Logo There are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Our new puppies have what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

While we were at my dad’s house in Virginia a few weeks ago, I made of course the impulse decision to get “a” new poodle.  So, my dad, step mom, and I headed out to a breeder’s house.  When we got at her house, the conditions were horrible.  My first instinct was to not purchase one from this lady, but then we held the last two poodles left in this particular litter. (big mistake…..never hold puppies….I repeat never even hold the puppies)  They were clinging to us for dear life, and I felt soooo sorry for them.  I really wanted a girl puppy, but the boy was incredible sweet.  I decided I needed to just rescue both of them from this horrible “puppy mill”.  My step-mom thought of their names, “Sonny” and “Cher”…….cute huh??

Right after getting home from Virginia, we went for our first vet appointment.  The vet said they seemed overall healthy, only a little on the skinny side.  We started our flea medication, got our third set of puppy shots, and started heart worm medicine.  A few days later I took both of them to their first grooming!  They looked so incredibly cute!

A few days went by and then I noticed something that looked like blood in the boy’s feces. I know…sorry to gross anyone out!   I began checking it frequently, but didn’t notice anymore blood.   Then, last night the puppies were waking me up every 2 hours and the boy was having some diarrhea.  This morning, I noticed once again there was blood in his stool.  Since my vet was not open today, I took Sonny to PetSmart’s animal clinic.  The veterinarian called me within the hour and told me he had Giardia.  YUCK????  You have got to be kidding me!!!  I took Cher in and she does have it also.

From what I understand, Giardia can basically be transmitted from any type of infected feces or contaminated water, particularly unsanitary standing water.  I believe they may have been already infected when we purchased them because it takes awhile for it to advance and for blood to be present in their stool.  Now, this is the part that I am sooooo freaked out about………it is also contagious to humans!!!!!!!  I am so worried that one of us will get this.  We have to be really careful about washing our hands, and basically keep the dogs in their crate most of the time until they are better.  I have been trying to disinfect all of their belongings, their water/food bowls, and removing any waste in the yard. 

Today, I have been a nervous wreck!  I didn’t care for PetSmart’s clinic at all….especially the vet’s assistant.   Let’s just be nice and say that she needed some work in the people skill area!  Right when I was about to leave they brought Sonny back to me and he started bleeding all over the floor……nothing like what had been occurring!!! (once again sorry to gross you out)   I ended up sobbing uncontrollably before leaving the office and telling the vet I just couldn’t take them home with me.  After some convincing from the vet I came to my senses……..she probably thought I need to be committed into a psych ward.

So, now I am struggling on many levels……1.  I am a panicked mess about one of us getting this.  2.  I am disgusted that this funky stuff is in my home and yard.  3.  I am “pissed” that irresponsible breeders don’t take care of dogs and sell them to naive people like myself!  Sorry to use a curse word…..but it was absolutely necessary to describe my thoughts on this issue. 4.  I am mad at myself for getting emotional over these dogs and purchasing both of them.  5.  I wish I would of thought through the expense of getting 2 more dogs verses one.  6.  I am really worried about them, because I already feel they are a part of our home!

That’s all!!!!  Anyone want to come over for dinner tonight??? 

I’m back!!!!

It’s me again.  A year has gone by since my last update on my old blog, but this is my new attempt to stick with it.   So, maybe you wondered what happened to me……well maybe I am just flattering myself by thinking there were actually people out there that read my blog anyway, but this is just a short list of why I became such a slacker.

1.  The biggest reason is that I am extremely compulsive.  There….I admitted it!!!   I tend to be an all or nothing kind of girl, and feel that if I am going to write I need to share every detail of what is going on in our lives.  I guess I am an open book!

2.  Writing doesn’t always come naturally to me.  I think it is partially because I am so compulsive….I think way to much about what I am going to write and don’t allow myself to write freely. 

3.  This past year got a little crazy….a husband, 3 kids, I began working, school, and studying…..It was all I could do for about six months just to stay afloat! 

So, here is my new attempt to free myself and just write what is on my heart.   So…….check back for updates and just love me anyway if I once again fail at this blog thingy!

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